On June 28th, 2023, Amanda Liu hosted an informative seminar about loans for ABAO members.




如果你也是在周六(6月24号)的下午来到宝龙酒家,你就会听到两位潇洒的先生正在激情澎湃的合唱《海阔天空》,他们正是亚洲商会董事长Gary Chen和Howard Hong Wei先生。高昂的歌声让人莫名地就涌起一股雄心壮志!想去冲,想去闯,想去勇敢的面对风浪,去做出一番豪情伟业!

这一天正是俄亥俄州亚洲商会(ABAO)举办夏日酒会的日子。每年的六月份,亚洲商会都会为广大商家提供相互交流,沟通联谊的机会。这一次夏日酒会就是继2022年,举办夏日酒会之后的第二年。借鉴了以往的经验,今年的酒会在商会会长蒋磊律师总指挥下,在GOS公司董事Rebecca Zhang副会长的总策划下,不但找到了一处既适合吃饭表演,又适合社交聊天的场地。她还贴心的为大家准备了卡拉OK等唱歌跳舞的娱乐活动。我们的名誉董事长汤年发先生也在会前动情演讲,一方面为ABAO做广告吸引会员,另一方面为酒会热场活跃气氛!很多老朋友借此机会呼朋唤友倾情叙旧,很多新朋友也是热情友好的互通信息,交流行业心得。仅管只有短短的三个小时,近50位受邀宾朋都是意犹未尽,恋恋不舍。


  • 百佳集团董事长夫妇Gary Chen和Annie赞助$500。
  • Michael Patterson代表Margaret Wang出席并赞助
  • Howard Hong Wei 赞助 $200
  • 百达投资公司 Allen Chen 和James Sun赞助 $200
  • Peng Gui Lin 赞助 $200
  • 黄英博士赞助 $200
  • Louise Licata律师, Rebecca Zhang, 蒋磊律师赞助葡萄酒
  • 张静会计师赞助饮料和水果


  • Rebecca Zhang 主持
  • 汤总宣传
  • 李凤迎宾
  • 副会长张静,Wing Fox负责前台和财会
  • 何云及 Ke Li摄影师负责摄影
  • Lily Janke,Melissa Guo,刘克成负责餐饮
  • 新哥为代表的腰鼓队成员,以及凤凤为代表的广场舞一起热舞,活跃气氛
  • 刚刚荣获全美歌唱大赛金奖的王志强女士也为大家高歌献曲


To better prepare for the Asian Business Association of Ohio's (ABAO) summer wine social, and to strengthen the bonds among board members while maximizing individual and collective potentials, President Lei Jiang, a lawyer, has generously offered to host a dinner in Sichuan Hop Pot in Cleveland. President Lei Jiang and Honorary President Mr. Tang oversaw the event, with Li Feng handling the logistics. Judy Chu and Wu Li provided strategic advices, while newcomer He Yun recorded the occasion through photography. Vice Presidents Rebecca Zhang and Jing Zhang served as crucial pillars of support. Although ABAO is currently small, everyone recognized the abundance of talent and the enthusiasm displayed in their work. During the meeting, participants freely expressed their opinions and engaged in lively discussions.
The main topics discussed during the meeting were as follows:
- Further clarification of ABAO's mission statement.
- Identification of target audiences.
- Projects and specific details that serve the members.
- Suggestions for constructive activities to undertake.
- Recommendations for website maintenance personnel.
Currently, ABAO is actively seeking talented individuals in Great Cleveland areas. If any capable and ambitious individuals would like to join and contribute, please contact us via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Reported by Li Feng.

会长蒋磊和名誉会长汤总坐镇指挥,李凤行动操作,Judy Chu 和伍丽出谋划策,新人何云摄影记录,两位副会长Rebecca Zhang 和Jing Zhang 更是基石栋梁。大家都觉得商会目前虽然不大,但是人才济济,大家工作都很有热情。会上大家各抒己见,畅所欲言,讨论十分热烈。


目前本商会求贤若渴,广招克城英才。有贤士能人想一展鸿图,请邮件联系This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


On April 1st, Attorney Lei Jiang from Lei Jiang Law Firm provided attendees with valuable insights on estate planning, including wills, trusts, and other related topics. She shared her expertise and experience, discussing the various options and strategies for creating an effective estate plan.

Attorney Jiang also answered questions from attendees, providing clarity and guidance on a variety of issues related to estate planning. The seminar was well-received by the participants, who appreciated the opportunity to learn from an experienced legal professional.

On February 18, 2023, CPA Jing Zhang provided an informative tax preparation seminar to ABAO. During this seminar, attendees learned about important topics related to tax preparation, including new tax laws, deductions and credits, and tax planning strategies.

CPA Zhang shared her expertise and experience, discussing the various tax filing options available to taxpayers and highlighting the importance of careful tax planning. She also provided valuable insights on how to navigate common tax-related challenges and maximize tax savings.

The seminar was well-received, with participants from a diverse range of backgrounds and experience levels. Attendees appreciated the opportunity to learn from a knowledgeable CPA and gain valuable insights on tax preparation strategies.